Philosophy on Finances

Private school education comes at a great cost. As everything gets more expensive, we have to become more creative and more diligent. SCS strives to be good stewards of all the resources that God gives. He has been faithful to provide for the school for the last 28 years through tuition, but also very much through generous donations and volunteers. We are so grateful for the gifts He has given us. We have been able to charge less for tuition than it actually takes to keep the school running because of those who are dedicated to making sure a christian education is available to our community. Please continue to pray that the Lord would allow us to be good stewards of our resources and that people would continue to show up to donate both their time and money (SCS is a tax exempt, non-profit organization). 

There are many ways to serve our school with your time that can help our school like volunteering to mow, trim hedges, clean, watch students during breaks, etc.