Academics Principles
At Starkville Christian School, we all begin the day with Bible class. From there, we use Christian curriculum to achieve our goal of “seeing” God in every discipline. God has created us with a lifelong desire to learn the Truth, and has given us everything we need to glorify Him in His Word and creation. A full understanding of Truth involves the development of Christian virtue, not simply the accumulation and manipulation of knowledge. Integrity, honesty, diligence, and perseverance are vital ingredients necessary to the attainment of academic excellence.
Though we believe God has given parents the primary responsibility to train their children, we believe our role is to demonstrate the unity of God’s Covenant community by committing to assist you in this important role.
Principles which govern and shape Starkville Christian School
God is! He has created all things for His glory and pleasure. He has created us with a life-long compulsion to learn truth – truth about Him and about His creation. All truth is God’s truth.
God has revealed Himself and all we need for life and godliness in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, which He inspired and are inerrant, the standard by which all other rules of conduct and life are to be judged.
Children are God’s image-bearers, entrusted to their parents’ care for a brief period. Being God’s image-bearer, every child is of infinite value and must be respected, nurtured, and taught to know God truly, to love Him wholly and to serve Him joyfully.
The object of all education is to know God, to “see” Him in every area of life, every undertaking, every field of inquiry, every discipline.
God has given parents primary responsibility for the training and nurture of their children. Parents are to be assisted by the entire body of believers, demonstrating the unity of God’s Covenant community and its members’ commitment to God and one another.
Like adults, children are accountable to God for every thought, word, and deed.
As a consequence of the fall, God’s image-bearers became sinners, corrupted in every aspect of their being. Since unregenerate persons can not know God, they must be confronted with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and prayed for that they may know and be rightly related to Him by being born spiritually (a second birth) through saving faith in Jesus Christ as Lord.
Children, being sinners, need discipline. God disciplines those He loves and children are entitled to discipline from their parents and those acting in the parent’s stead.
Every child is unique. Children have different ways in which they learn best. Teachers must use a variety of teaching styles to meet the specific needs of every child.
A full understanding of truth involves the development of Christian virtue, not simply the accumulation and manipulation of knowledge. Integrity, honesty, diligence and perseverance are vital ingredients necessary to the attainment of academic excellence.
To glorify God, children should live abundantly for Him and serve Him now in their present vocation as students, not simply prepare for future occupations and service.
The home is normally the environment best suited for children. The school environment should be like that of a home. Class size should be small and teachers should function in parental roles.
As life-long learners, parents and teachers should be continually increasing the breadth and depth of their fund of knowledge. Thus the pursuit of truth is modeled as well as taught.
All educational curriculum should point students to God in order that they may better know Him, glorify Him, and more fully enjoy Him and His magnificent creation. Material contrary to the clear teaching of Scripture must be rejected and should be refuted.